Life can sometimes feel like a juggling act, having to keep the balls of the family, relationships, business, and your wellbeing in the air and hoping that one does not slip through!
This continuous juggling can become exhausting and very frustrating.
Have you considered looking at your life through a different lens, obtaining a different perspective enabling you to take the action needed to move you closer to your true potential?
Allow me to guide you to look at life from a different angle, co-create the actions to a more balanced, less stressful, thriving life.
Let’s work together:
The 12-session series will embark on:
- viewing life through different lens,
- identifying the major milestones (different word please) of the new vision
- the required actions to implement this refined/ revised view on life
Mental fitness coaching:
A magical 6-week journey of building a foundation of mental fitness through strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self) and discovering your sage perspective.

My Story
“Continuously grow yourself” & “Learning from life experiences”
These two phases are well entrenched in my DNA and are my moto. Life has already enriched and excited me. What lessons can I take, place in my memory bank for future experiences thereby growing with each experience. What can I learn now to take me to the next milestone, as tough as they might be?
Frustratingly though there are those hidden beliefs that tend to knock you off at the knees, hold you back and influence key decisions without you even realising, otherwise known as the “Saboteurs” or shadows. I continue this journey of discovering my beliefs, it feels like I am peeling an onion layer by layer and discovering what is underneath. I used to ask, “when is this going to end?” …. but realise that mastery is a journey and not an end point, embracing the journey is key.
Life has certainly offered its challenges, I embraced the life of unity with a life partnership and becoming a Mom. Both these journeys have offered treasured moments, questioning times and a need to step forward into the unexplored but knowing that you have the support around to help on this path.
The above may sound philosophical and easy but I have had many lessons which have added to my bank like my parents separating when I was 12 resulting in my closing my heart to everyone but the completely trusted. I dived into the known, safe route of concentrating on my learning and achieving my degrees and becoming a Chartered Accountant. My drive was solely on achieving this goal, I did not focus beyond this point and have been taken on life’s journey with a few tweaks from my side until I was retrenched in 2017. The universe has a way of taking you by the shoulder and shaking you to say “Hey! Time to wake up!!” Well, I was well and truly shaken!
On reflection, I am completely grateful for this experience as it has enabled me to embark on learning about myself, becoming more spiritual, intuitive, and most excitingly enabled me to commence on my coaching career.
The start of another journey! Starting and growing your own business is no joke! It pulls on elements and skills I did not know I even had! This has and continues to force me to step out of my comfort zone, to learn new skills and continue my motto of “Continuously growing myself”.

If I were to be asked what has been enabled you to continue this path of growing, I would say,
- Openness to learning mentally, spiritually, and emotionally,
- Surrounding myself with a brilliant support structure from my life partner, accountability partner to groups of people on similar paths,
- And coaching.
The above is a must to enable me to look at life through a different lens to see the opportunity; learn more and grow emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.